Sunday, September 13, 2009

Don't Judge a Blog by its Title

Sure, Helvetica is looked down upon, just like Times New Roman, Georgia, and any other basic font. But the truth is, you gotta start at the basics. Let's be honest, nobody, and I mean nobody rides a two-wheeler before riding a trike. So I'd like to thank you, Helvetica for introducing me to the fact that you are what is called a font, and that you can be distinguised from your friends, even if its by a minute difference in cap height. I thank Times New Roman, Georgia, and Courier too. Without you guys, I'd be another creativeless cubicle occupant. No, I don't have a job. But I refuse to settle.

In fact, the whole reason I got into this design and writing thing was because I discovered that I don't have to do what everyone else is doing. But, I had to know what everyone else was doing in order to hit that gold mine.

Lastly, I'd like to thank God, and the academy for making my dreams come true


  1. I personally love the title to your blog. It's such a great play on words and really caught my attention!

  2. Obviously a movie reference, but the line is refreshing when applied to type.
